-a self-portrait of sorts


Adam Simon

So, I was invited to do the title of the group show "COLLECTIVE CONSUMPTION" because the curators saw my SCENTED LETTERS project on the Fine Art Adoption Network (FAAN). It just so turns out, that Adam (the orginator of FAAN) was the first person with whom I interacted at the opening; he took the first letter. Sometimes, I really like the arrangement of events.







At the end of the night, the only word that remained intact COLLECTIVE. One consumer started pointing out phonetic concepts from Mandarin - AN he said, was a base concept for peace. But my jane Mindi says "this is the character for 'an' 安. it's the character for woman (女) under the roof radical!"
I do not know who or what became of my AN but it was gone when I went to de-install.






I watched this man break off the top rung of the E (I'm not sure he ate it) and then flip it over and upside down to reconstruct the name of the muscician MATT PASS. In the end he spelled FATT MASS. I know he didn't eat the P of PASS since that was one of the first letters to go.






This consumer gets a star for being my most loyal consumer.


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Ephemeral Artist

Other editable art







nickle and dimed

winogradsky rothko






Part of the Dumbo Arts Festival
September 24-26, 2010
Brooklyn, NY 11201

I would hazard to guess, we all want to intercalate each others psyches. The drive to connect is fierce inside me. This project admits, that when we expose someone to our art, we gain entry. Being is inherently selfish. Like squirrels, we gather together nuts, some we lose, some we find, some grow trees and some we share. Life is a kind of perpetual motion machine driven by this drive. Garnering energy and deploying it in our unique variants of expression. While I only exist as fonted cookies in this project, I was able to capture those whom I became. In the combusted warmth of my entropy, a kind of cultural work was achieved.